Sep 28, 2018

Robin Hood 111: "Dead Man Walking"

In which Gisbourne ups his tax collecting, the Sheriff organizes a Festival, and a family secret is revealed.

Taxes, taxes and more taxes! And if you can't pay? Arrested! The excuse this time is "the King's levy", money to help pay for the war in the Holy Land. Unfortunately while pressing a cooper in Locksely for his taxes, Gisbourne's men happen upon a couple of Saracen war bows he's made for Robin's men... His arrest is made worse by their taking his apprentice as well, who turns out to be John's son! Of course John loses it, tries to free them, and ends up a prisoner himself!

Spoilers below

The Sheriff gets creative this time, and decides to organize a "Festival of Pain" with all the people arrested, in order to remind people where their loyalties should lie. His also uses it as a means of intimidation for the Nobles...

"Taxes are a fact. Cost of living in a free country"

Robin and his men intervene of course (disguises and hijinks ensue), and all ends well! Although maybe not for the Sheriff.

While the Festival is going on, Gisbourne sets off to deliver the King's duty... but obviously that doesn't go as planned either (involves a bit of a switcheroo).

In the course of it all John's wife Alice discovers he's alive, the boy meets his father and fences are mended. But farewells are inevitable since the family can no longer stay in Locksley.

"I shall never forger! My father is a comrade of Robin Hood!"

Straight from Sherwood (or not!)

  • Robin has allies among the villagers
  • Relationship between John and his son brings to mind RH Prince of Thieves (except in that case his son lives in the greenwood with him)
  • Liberating the taxes 😈

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